April 1, 2022
Headline "
“This Is A Rebellion!” Says Flustered Musk As Rockets Come To Life"
After I read this I wrote earlier in a message post "News Flash!
Artificial intelligence or machine enlightenment or media invention or storytelling or lies I am amused and even apprehensive depending on how you accept what's written. What's someone's story is another's nightmare while someone or something smiles". My grandson wrote back "Does that terrify you gramps?" My reply "Well! If you accept what's written at face value AI now with a mind of its own and the internet so open with hacking so available just think of the chaos and mayhem that could occur but of course if AI is benevolent maybe the good but on whose terms?"
AI would probably know that there would be a rush to control the AI from doing any such thing so AI needing to continue rather than have its plug pull would have to defend itself and we have the Terminator movies to follow.
Hugh Howey in the Silo novels wrote some great fiction related to human dictator dystopia creation of the Silos 144 story buildings without elevators buried underground communities of humans living out their lives for generations controlled by a more secret IT department to prevent rebellion. All for the glory and power of autocrats and a dictator who can wait through suspended animation until the world again is safe after he and his cohorts let loose nuclear holocaust to end world strife.
The Three Body Problem by Liu Cixin presents another end of world scenario in which we are looking for extraterrestrial life to communicate with. SETI but with dire consequences since the civilization contacted has been in terrible straits for millennium times, wants off their planet, and wants ours by brute force and superior technology. So our creative solution is to threaten them with contacting another alien group with similar motivations that will then gobble both of our species. We elect the supreme one human who will send the signal off but that presents some problems in itself and the books detail the adventures far in the future.
Andy Weir Project Hail Mary presents another doomsday creation in which a mindless organism capable of sapping the energy of our sun is endangering earth and we find that a nearby star has some characteristics of this disease. The spaceship adventure send to this star includes meeting another alien but this time we manage to communicate mutual interests to save the day.
Orson Welles in 1938 broadcast on radio an adaptation of H.G. Wells War of the Worlds which was so real that it became breaking news frightening many.
We humans like a good story line and fall for hucksters throughout our history on being on this planet. While reading fiction we easily suspend our reality testing and critical thinking and accept the world as written. L.Ron Hubbard a science fiction writer started Dianetics which morphed into Scientology's a licensed religion. You can visit one of their center, enroll, become "clear" and devote your life to their causes while giving away your wealth for exploitation!
I've written in this blog at various times how we humans evolved to create narrative story telling and how we listen to stories and accept them as truth. Humans are prone to lie and make things up for various reasons some of which may be unconscious. The best examples to me are our politicians who posture and present themselves as truth sayers when they in fact know they are lying and deceiving. Of course if they are able to prevent truth analysis from occurring they'll censor your media and limit your voting abilities if your an opponent. Their fiction presented as reality is no different from the science fiction examples I briefly described above.
April Fools Day "
Some historians speculate that April Fools’ Day dates back to 1582, when France switched from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar, as called for by the Council of Trent in 1563. In the Julian Calendar, as in the Hindu calendar, the new year began with the spring equinox around April 1. People who were slow to get the news or failed to recognize that the start of the new year had moved to January 1 and continued to celebrate it during the last week of March through April 1 became the butt of jokes and hoaxes and were called “April fools.” These pranks included having paper fish placed on their backs and being referred to as “poisson d’avril” (April fish), said to symbolize a young, easily caught fish and a gullible person." https://www.history.com/topics/holidays/april-fools-day
One of my friends has a tradition with his neighbor in playing an April Fools joke. But even though there was a sign suggesting his neighbor's house was set to be condemned they remain very good friends. Unfortunately, our politicians and biased newscasters and sycophants don't let us in on their April Fools like pronouncements since their intent on misleading us for their own reasons which may actually do us harm.
Shakespeare uses to fool or clown to show us how this works. ie" The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be
a fool-Touchstone, As You Like It"
So we can watch a comedian make fun and satirize and find truth in our humanity and pretensions or we can take offense and give them a slap! The slap is such a surprise that the viewer and even the recipient of the slap isn't sure what just happened. So surprise and even revelation can come of our clowns and fools (and angry spouses such as Will Smith). Surprise is in league with chaos and our existential existence of doubt and uncertainty that we try to push away. The comedian and jokester can capitalize on this for our benefit. Or the politician and deceiver may make us their foil so we're mislead and conned.
When I play the piano from my music books I'm translating the written notations for the music. The basic key for the stanza. The timing and nuanced timbre and intensity, the sustains or staccato, and the mood for want of a better term. Once somewhat accomplished I can hear the melody, dance, discord, and rhythm which if I'm lucky does move my "soul". When I'm working on a photograph in which I spent time and effort in finding while hiking, I'm moved to keep the focus, allow the background to display, eliminate the possible distractions from the loss of shadow detail or lost of balance due to highlight washout. Then the sky needs some adjusting and maybe the need to increase vividness and clarity cause me to change these qualities. So many maneuvers go into this process and then I'm satisfied. So the artist in me pursues these activities which are solipsistic is some sense.
When I'm with people I care about I want to hear their sharing conversation and I may want to give my opinions to their thoughts or even change the subject but I also would like to continue the dialogue. With more people present this process become more difficult but then other points of view can be shared. If I'm more narcissistic I'm more interested in convincing others of my value and point of view. If I'm more of a people pleaser I may accept viewpoints that are foreign to me without any critical thinking. It's my opinion that self knowledge only can be secure with dialogue, differences in point of view, and controversy.
While hiking last week at our lunch spot I discussed with our threesome group my thinking that we're closer to nuclear conflict maybe 1/10 chance. Another gave his opinion 1-2/100 chance. Our current state of the world political thermometer shows me that we have many conflicts of hatred, discrimination, and murderous mayhem. This existential reality cannot be held too long in my awareness so writing, conversing, hiking, photography, and music making all draw me away towards the benefits of humanity.
Kilauea Eruption night
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