August 28, 2024

    I write this blog mainly to think and write about about subjects that am interested in, want to learn more about, have an opinion that requires more thought, and wanting to share with others. This last goal is somewhat unrealistic since I have few followers and interested readers. Some of my posts have been to write about science, physics, cosmology, alternative ways to view what we know and believe. I suppose this may be boring to some unless they have similar interests.  

    In my January 14,2024 blog I wrote about Israel as a Zionistic state versus a democracy. I’ll continue with this posting (

    I read an article concerning the Israeli government, the settlers in the West Bank aspirations, violent behaviors toward Palestinians, right wing Jewish movements aspirations and successes in controlling the government and investigations by the Israeli government confirming these allegations (  Some of my readers have told me that they cannot read the articles from the New York Times since they are not prescribers. I think this article is worth the one month subscription. You may have another article less critical of the Israeli governemnt so I offer this article also (

    This article describes property destructions, killings, confiscation of land, illegal settlements, and attempts to kill Palestinian mayors and politicians. The ideology of these far right groups include an effort to take over the government and destroy the Israeli democracy as it was. Leaders include rabbis who support the destruction of Zionism and a replacement to a biblical fantasy of a king and religious leaders as the head of a new government that includes Judea, Samaria, and Gaza. The Netanyahu government has appointed some of these far right advocates in key cabinet positions. Some of these people have been convicted of crimes and sentenced to jail. When Trump was president he appointed an ambassador who was sympathetic to these Jewish far right causes and did not put any pressure on the government to support the Palestinian victims but supported more  settlements in the West Bank. Leaders of the Israeli government have been targets for assassination with one successful assassination of Yizhak Rabin. 

    The Palestinian population has perpetrated their own severe atrocities against some of their population and Jewish people.. This is a rejoiner that some critics use to excuse Jewish criminal behaviors. Both should be held accountable. The West Bank is governed mainly by the Israeli Defense Forces with some nod of governance to the Palestinian Authority. The present government has been withholding funds  designated to this authority to pay for their police forces, government and programs. The Israeli Defense Forces greatly favor the complaints of the Jewish settlers in the West Bank while not pursuing justice for the settlers invasion of Palestinian villages with murder and mayhem perpetrated by these settlers.  

    O.K. some may say I'm biased relying on a article that they consider biased. Fact are not fact when your set in your opinions so if an article gives facts to support their positions the reader with strong opposing opinions seems immune to seeing the articles merits. So I'll suggest this as an approach toward better clarity. Many of my friends and acquaintances are emotionally negative towards our former President Trump. We agree that he is a liar, sometimes a buffoon, but on the other hands he has endorsed very right wing views on how we should be governed. Many of his followers endorse caste system with Christian white people in control. Elections should be determined by their followers not the general population. The courts should follow Christian far right justice, the military should be a tool of the President and used against his opponents. Welfare systems and health care for all without restrictions to prior illnesses should be greatly curtailed. Regulations which restrict large corporations who may be polluting and exploiting the environments should be done away with. There now exist a document which provides one strategy to undermine our democracy for the above stated ends (Project 2025).  

    In my discussion groups with some of my colleagues, they are very concerned that our democracy is at risk and we need to protect and defend it. They express concern that so many people can support these right wing causes and such a criminal president. Yet, here's the rub, when it comes to the West Bank and Palestinian Jewish relationships they endorse repression and even expulsion of the Palestinian population to a Jewish government now structured just like Trump and his supporters are advocating!



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