July 16, 2021
July 4th was a strange day and evening. Muted with little fanfare. I did not notice many flags. Celebrating independence day in a divided country with news headlines of flooding, heat waves, forest fires, armed conflict and cultural wars that have become increasingly ugly in my view. The revelations of the insurrection keeps some of us shaking our heads while many others endorse the big lie and attempt to suppress their opponents from voting so they can prevail. Rebecca was talking with her old friend in Las Vegas about the climate change issues with peaking temperatures and attendant harm but her friend said she does not believe climate change is the result of human causes. Rebecca suggested that science had some bearing on the "truth".
I do enjoy reading about these issues and puzzling over our irrational camps of leaders and followers declaring delusional perceptions and understanding as THE TRUTH. Today I read about how some people in the technology and artificial intelligence forefront are turning to religious and faith based knowledge to guide them in this sensitive quest. The author of the article ( https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/07/16/opinion/ai-ethics-religion.html?searchResultPosition=1) describes an Asimov story. The researchers ask an A.I. machine is there a god? the machine answers "not enough memory and resources" so tons of money and resources go in and later the same question but again the same answer so more years, resources, and effort and again asking the question. The latest answer to is there a god "NOW THERE IS!" Money and resources towards a goal with little ethical guidelines can lead to all sorts of problems so some researchers and workers in this field now are looking towards religious and ethical guidelines developed over the ages. Remember IBM's Watson was going to help us answer some very difficult questions leading to innovative solutions and answers. So far the Watson project may have benefits in some health related pursuits but much less hype and hope now. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/16/technology/what-happened-ibm-watson.html?searchResultPosition=2
Capitalism by itself can be very dumb leading to errors resulting in disease and death in some instances. I came across a very troubling article on how government and industry partner for their mutual benefit leading to bad policy and suffering while industry prospers. https://apple.news/
On the one hand here’s an article clearly questioning Florida government’s oversight into air quality problems affecting people with little political clout and benefiting an industry and lobbyists employment. On the other hand this article shows how difficult it is to change our corporate culture that has such power in our governance. This dynamic has historical routes with examples such as lead gasoline, lead pipes and polluted water, cigarette smoking and vaping, slavery, regional wars, etc. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-02-09/the-politics-of-lead-poisoning-a-long-ugly-history I already discussed the political issues assoicated with vaccine deniers in a previous post.
However, we do continue progress but it’s a battle. Sometimes the battle includes the light of science and accurate information but other times our anger at these injustices includes vigilante actions which sometimes results in positive change. The Overstory by Richard Powers is a fictionalized narrative worth reading. and of course there is this https://www.gq.com/story/climate-vigilantes
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