September 29, 2020 Today I have finished enjoying reading and reciting poetry with Rebecca (Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Gerard Manly Hopkins). I went to the piano and played with Sonata 30 variations and then some jazz pieces and finally a Bartok piece I never played about a folk tale of a person in his wagon who was waylaid by robbers and then killed. Simple notes to play but requiring changes in tempo and loudness to set the mood. Then I realized that I needed to revisit Jonathan Haidt's theory of moral foundations and updated my knowledge with more research into Morality as Cooperation Theory described by Oliver Scott Curry https://behavioralscientist. org/whats-wrong-with-moral- foundations-theory-and-how-to- get-moral-psychology-right/ There are seven types of cooperative behavior: (1) Kin selection explains why we feel a special duty of care for our families, and why we abhor incest. (2) Mutualism explains why we form groups and coalitions (there is stre...