November 29, 2022 So here's some headlines running through my head. Climate change is upon us. Al Gore tried to popularize our political will to tackle this very real problem while science produced ever more data predicticting increased carbon dioxide, methane, and this blanket of gases causing increased temperatures overall and melting glaciers, icecaps, and changing ocean currents, changing our weather patterns with devastating tornadoes, hurricanes, and rain and drought causing our oceans to rise, coastlines to change, rivers and lakes to dry up, and temperatures to sores in certain areas. Destruction of property, deaths, and crop changes are more in the news. island nations are at risk and large populations are struggling to cope with the flooding, mud slides, heat, drought, and food shortages. Meanwhile, large corporations, governments such as Brazil, and our politicians influenced by the lobbyists and corporations, attempt to debunk the hard science behind climate chang...