October 27, 2022 It's 1835 and the Sun a penny newspaper has published one of six articles about a new discovery from scientific articles published by Sir John Hershel who had constructed a special telescope in South Africa. The articles amanuenses describe the moon as full of wonders. " To render our enthusiasm intelligible, we will state at once, that by means of a telescope of vast dimensions and an entirely new principle, the younger Herschel, at his observatory in the Southern Hemisphere, has already made the most extraordinary discoveries in every planet of our solar system; has discovered planets in other solar systems; has obtained a distinct view of objects in the moon, fully equal to that which the unaided eye commands of terrestrial objects at the distance of a hundred yards; has affirmatively settled the question whether this satellite be inhabited, and by what order of beings; has firmly established a new theory of cometary phenomena; and has solve...