December 24, 2021 This morning I just read and article How small was the Universe when the hot Big Bang began? The geeky side of me pursuing my interest as a lay person enjoyed reading about our gathering understanding of the beginnings of our universe and I get a kick out of being able to fool myself into thinking I can understand the science and how the hypotheses have been formulated. I started a message to a friend who shares some of this interest and my message to him mushroomed into an idea to continue in this blog. However, in the process of sending the message to a number of potential recipients my iPhone screen froze and then I lost all of what I was writing about. The article https://bigthink.com/starts-with-a-bang/small-universe-big-bang Is all about how our scientific explorations of matter, energy, dark matter, dark energy, space, time, radiation, and changes in the dynamics of interactions between theses "things, energy, and time"...