January 29, 2021 Shoshana Zuboff today wrote an interesting article concerning how private companies such as Facebook, Google, Amazon, Apple, Twitter, Etc. have taken our personal private information and given access to unknown others as well as they have manipulated data streamed to us to influence us as long as it benefits the actors behind the data streaming. The author rightfully gives historical and moral background for privacy and democracy pointing out that private company privacy is not the same as a citizens. Also, that rule following behaviors is necessary in a democracy as a social contract or chaos will result. i.e. a simple rule to stop at a red light is followed by most people even though enforcement by surveillance may not be present in most instances. Well, what would happen if we did not follow this rule? Chaos. Similarly the seat belt law was enacted in 1968 federal law, Title 49 of the United States Code, Chapter 301, Motor Safety Standard, Now most of us...