December 24, 2020 Our election process has been captured in our media outlets and conversations with each other with outrage, fear, disconsternation, indignation, sadness etc. on the one hand; On the other, relief, hope, light at the end of the tunnel, and faith in democracy. Communication across the political divide remains very problematic so that those trying to debate and discuss issues with differing beliefs and viewpoints miss each other to put it politely or else sigh and conclude that the opposer of their viewpoint is duped, a sly liar, or plain evil. I've tried to keep focused on my curiosity that facts to some in these discussions do not matter. For example, sometimes while hiking with our small group a member bemoans the opinion that Donald Trump has been unjustly maligned and hounded by the liberal, socialist left wing zealots. The latest insult has been this election in which the votes were stolen from him. I talk with this person and when I bring up research in...